Seasonal struggle

Although people across the country plan their trip to visit Kashmir valley during winters to witness the seasonal beauty and snowfall, however, for many school students and educators, the accumulated snow and road closures put them in a tough situation to deal with.

As the wide landscapes turn into white wonderland, the students and educators in all of the peripheral areas begin to worry as the roads leading to their schools remain inaccessible because of the accumulated snow.

The struggle does not remain impound to the uphill battle only. In several places of those peripheral areas, exams and winter coaching of students also remain a matter of concern.

Recently, the government has reversed the decision of having a uniform academic calendar wherein the school students of all classes were supposed to appear in the annual exams in March. However, by restoring the previous academic session, the students’ upto 9th standard are now supposed to appear in the annual exams from November-December.

In the months of November-December, the peripheral areas usually witness extra cold weather conditions in comparison to the urban areas and the schools in these areas have no heating arrangements that not only affect their studies but their heath too.

In order to overcome the challenge and to bring respite to students and teachers, the concerned authorities and the respective school management should start a process to install safe heating systems in place so that the education of the young generation does not get affected.

Besides, there is a dire need of a comprehensive policy that will cater all of the issues like heating arrangements, road clearance and adequate health care facilities for those students and educators who reside in the remote areas wherein the winters begin earlier than the urban areas.

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