Tobacco use continues to be the greatest cause of death and diseases, and is responsible for one million casualties in India every year. It remains the cause of numerous diseases like cancer, lung disease and stroke. As per surveys, it accounts for nearly 1.35 million deaths every year in India. The country ranks second in the number of smokers between the ages of 16 and 64. Around 267 million adults (aged 15 and above) are tobacco users, with the most prevalent — popular — form of tobacco product being the smokeless variants.
While the tobacco industry is rich and powerful, most victims of tobacco are poor and largely voiceless.
Tobacco use is a major public health concern as well as causes significant financial costs. A World Health Organization survey found that the financial burden of tobacco-use in India stood at one per cent of its GDP. Besides the diseases and economy, the collateral damage of smoking ought to be far higher than anticipated. It is not only that direct smokers are affected. As per a recent study, secondary smoke exposure in India leads to direct annual healthcare costs that run in billions.
The data about use and ill-effects raise questions about the efficacy of the deterrents in place and among others includes mandatory 85 per cent of the surface area of cigarette packets must contain graphically statutory warning.
Of all the countries, India has the highest proportion of oral cancer patients among young adults.
Behavioural science says that people sometimes take decisions because these are manipulated by the information available to them. Public awareness programmes must be formulated to sensitize smokers to the risks they pose to themselves and those exposed due to secondary smoking.
The dangers of tobacco must not be concealed. Everyone has a duty to help tobacco users.
Vital Strategies has found that it is critical to the victims and to the tobacco users in the focus groups that the victims are heard, and what they say is conveyed to tobacco users.
Progress cannot be achieved without a healthy population. The hard-hitting messages are essential to cut through the lies and false comfort that tobacco promoters resort to.
A very important aspect is also early-age addiction and must also be examined and neutralized. Parents and family members have a larger role. Smoking also leads to dreadful drug abuse and invariably a drug addict is a smoker also.