The problems that still persist to make the ride of women and the handicapped persons more difficult in public buses in Kashmir region is the noncompliance of seat reservation regulations by the public buses for women and physically challenged individuals.
Transportation is the need of the time and the main focus needs to be on the people who are underprivileged and in need. However, the main priority is not only a matter of comfort for women and the disabled but it is their honor and their freedom and protection in accordance with the Constitution.
This is the introduction to several such scenarios where people still occupy the space of those for whom the seats are intended.
It is not only a matter of the quality of the transport service but also heralds the lack of responsibility of the public transport system in providing the necessary transport by people who rely on it in order to be able to get on with their lives.
The result is almost always jam-packed public transport systems, sometimes already sprawled by the roadsides. Further, the need for public transport will outgrow the service hours; therefore, the demand will always be up.
Problems due to this neglect are numerous, especially among elderly or pregnant women, who are often targets of trouble, abuse and even harm for not being able to obtain a seat, also, most often than not, they get spellbound by the jostling crowd on board.
Similarly, disabled people find it hard to be inconspicuous when keeping the special space for them only. As disability does not permit free movement of the person, the transportation service should instead cater to their interests through their actions and efforts.
It’s not just the inconvenience that prevents women and people with disabilities from reaching the seat, as there are more serious issues with violating their fundamental rights and this matter needs to be steered into a place where the men and women of society as a whole are not able to move on any type of the public transport getting anywhere without any barrier and belittlement.
The daily commuters should adhere to the seat reservation rules.
The concerned authorities must begin with public-awareness campaigns that should focus at keeping commuters educated regarding the norms.