As per the biological science, our life cycle undergoes various stages and processes. Adolescence is one of the stages where different biological changes take place naturally. Hormonal changes take place, due to which the whole body structure gets a new shape in both females and males. This stage is being considered as the very crucial period among the teenagers. Adolescence periods start from 9 years of age among the females and from 11 among the males. Hormonal changes are very important and crucial. During this crucial period, most of the teenagers were involved in different kinds of evils. Like being involved in drugs, engaging in wayward tasks, getting arrogant, exhibiting stubborn, rude behavior, lacking patience, etc.
Teenagers need proper counselling and motivation for their upliftment during this crucial period. Our society is filled with great and renowned personalities who have done miracles for the nation and are still doing their best. For the time being, we have to utilize each and every facility for the upliftment of our young buds and teach them what is suitable and beneficial for them. Government administration from lower to higher levels left no stone unturned to minimize the crimes and drug addiction among the teenagers and youths, but very unfortunately we are still miles away from making it possible.
One thing is quite clear: with the passage of time, we have to experience all the happenings within our society; it includes negative as well as positive events. This world is full of mysterious stories. Every event has its own story. Today in this article let’s try to motivate our friends of all age groups towards bodybuilding sports. Today bodybuilding is trending throughout the country. As India is enlisted among the top countries that have good sports infrastructure and participated at the international level for centuries.
As I have experienced, bodybuilding is one of the best and most addictive activities one must engage himself in. Bodybuilding endowed with an attractive shape to your body keeps you fit and fine. There are great and interesting facts about bodybuilding as mentioned. (1). Bodybuilding keeps you disease-free and boosts your immunity in different ways. (2) Bodybuilding keeps you warm during winters and makes you feel relaxed during summers. (3). Bodybuilding reduces the risks among the obese patients and burns their extra fats up to optimum levels. (4). Bodybuilding reduces your belly fat, makes you good, and enhances your diet capacity. (6) Bodybuilding keeps you happy and reduces your depression, so when you are in depression, do certain exercises.
All the points I have mentioned are based on my own experience. First of all, try to make yourself that you want to look good, disease-free, and will not get involved in any drug addiction. Will motivate my friends toward sports activities and will be ready, fit, and healthy all the time. These days, gym centers are available everywhere, laced with advanced equipment. There are trained and experienced trainers there. So we have a great chance to burn our extra fat during these winter days. After spending a couple of days in the gym, we have to follow a balanced diet. Diet plays a vital role for those who are indulged in bodybuilding activities.
Gym centers facilitate music, advanced equipment, a hygienic environment, and experienced trainers. Always follow the trainer and avoid muscle cramps, bone injury, etc. I suggest you all join gym centers. I hope you will feel good and relaxed. Government administration at the district level should provide gym centers at the panchayat level so that everyone can get engaged in and keep themselves fit and fine. One more thing: Do machine exercise for almost 6 months that will get your body cuttings and attractive shape; believe in a natural diet and avoid supplements.