M S Zahid, Chandji Bhat elected Prez, Gen Secy of Accounts Icon group

Association holds meeting in Sgr, shares views on multiple issues

Srinagar: A meeting of the Accounts Icon group was convened on Monday at Hotel Meridian, Lal Mandi, Srinagar under the Chairmanship of Abdul Rashid MirEx-DDC, A&T.
The meeting was attended by a large number of its members from different parts of the Valley. During the meeting, several members shared their views, who include Mir Abdul Rashid Mir, Mohammad Salim Zahid, Altaf Hussain Dar, Qazi Basharat Saleem and Shakir Hussain.
The meeting was addressed by Chandji virtually as he was out of the station.
As per a statement issued here, Mohammad Altaf Dar, Ex-DTO, Ganderbal presented the welcome address.
At the outset, the chair significantly dwelt in length on the purpose of forging the Retired Accounts Personnel into unity for providing a platform for their interaction and subsequently deliberating upon their common issues.
In the meeting, the participants unanimously endorsed the painstaking efforts put in by the leadership in highlighting the issues pertaining to the retired Accounts Employees at various quarters.
Especially, the role of leadership in getting a stay on the recovery of commuted portion of pension came under heavy commendation from the participants, who gave a massive mandate to the leadership to proceed ahead in highlighting the issues facing the Icon members and their solution for which they extended full moral and financial support to the leadership and assured that they stand rock solid behind it.
It was also agreed upon in the meeting that in order to maintain a momentum in the activities of the Icons group, the periodical meetings will be held both physically and virtually.
During the discussions it was felt that the Accounts ICON group matured into an effective organisation. Accordingly M.S.Zahid and Chandji Bhat were unanimously elected with one voice as its President and the General Secretary of the Association respectively.
The house had authorised the President and General Secretary to appoint their body whom they find fit and suitable for running the affairs of the Association.
The newly appointed President expressed profound thanks to the participants for reposing their trust in the leadership and assured them that they shall leave no stone unturned in the noble cause of the Retired Colleague.
The house had also taken the decisions after the threadbare discussion on each points, which include the president has given the details of expenditure of these writ petitions, there will be a meeting of the members once in a three months if the physical meeting is not possible then meeting on virtual mode, regarding monthly contribution the issue will be discussed in the next meeting, the district bodies will be nominated by the president and those members who fall into these writ petition and have not been included in these petitions shall contact leadership for the purpose.
The meeting ended with vote of thanks presented by the chair.

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