A Spectacular Literary Journey of Writer Dr. Dipak Giri

Prof Dr Shiv Sethi

Born and brought up at Cooch Behar, a district town in West Bengal, India, Dr. Dipak Giri is a prominent name among the contemporary Indian writers. As a writer, a critic and an editor, he has brought out so many books on marginalized group of people, especially in Indian society. His books are nothing but the retelling of pain and suffering of woman, Dalit, LGBTQ community and other subaltern groups of people who are living their life in the periphery of society.  The following is an excerpt of a conversation recently held between Prof. (Dr.) Shiv Sethiand the author:

1. Professionally you’re a teacher apart from a writer. How do you manage both?

I think both professions are correlated to each other. A teacher may have the potential of becoming a good writer and if a person is the teacher of literature, I think that person will be a step ahead on his road of becoming a writer in comparison to other professionals. As a student of literature I got familiarity with works of many world famous litterateurs and this opportunity became even widerwhen I became teacher of literature. So, the job of teaching with which I have long been involved is rather helpful in my writing career.

2. You’re also an Editorial Chief of a literary journal Creative Flight? I think this is an extra addition to your duties and responsibilities. How do you manage all these even after sparing time for writing?

It’s true. I have to be busy all through the year as an Editorial Chief of Creative Flight and also as an editor of books round the year. There is hardly any day when I don’t receive any query from the contributors. Apart from replying to queries I also remain busy with editing, formatting and other paper handling related tasks. So, it’s become tough for me to spare time for writing something of having original and of my own. Still, it’s the passion for writing that hardly leaves me without it. Sometime I feel running out of time and struggle to bring out books timely only because I do not like to publish any book of not having my contribution to it.  Not a single book till date, I have brought out where I have not contributed, mattering not whether the book is edited or authored. I will say to you that it’s the passion which is the first and foremost requirement for doing anything and if you have passion nothing can stop you and the stage will automatically be set.

3. When did you first realize that you had the potential of becoming a writer?

When I was in my eleventh standard, I first contributed something original to my college magazine which I have still preserved. Though it was an immature poem of a college student, it earned for me some local fame and recognition as a poet among my relatives, friends and acquaintances. It was the first move that led me to my present position. In between that publication and my present position, I have come in association with many well wishers and contributors who help me in recognizing me what I am. So, I’ll always remain grateful to them.

4. You brought out your first book in 2018 and now in 2024, you have almost reached to your twentieth publication. In very short journey, you have brought out so many books and even also on so many variegated themes? How it becomes possible?

I cannot tell you exactly how it becomes possible. Still I think my sincerity, passion and hard work is the key. Here I’ll do injustice if I don’t mention the role of my contributors which has played an undeniable role in my success.

5. It amazes me to think where the number will finally reach. Now you’re standing almost on your twentieth publication and I wish you walk a long run as a writer. My next question may appear you childlike, yet I’m asking you where are you planning to stop the number?

Unless circumstances oblige me I have no plan to leave this track. So I don’t know where it finally stops. Sorry, I’m unable to tell you the number because I have not fixed any target number.

6. No issue. I wish more power to your pen in coming years. My last question to you- What message do you like to give to the youth through your books?

My books are an effort for the liberation of marginalized which is possible only if we annihilate all the divisions that create rift among people. So, the greater responsibility lies on the shoulder of our present youth. The youth of our present India is the backbone of future India so the youth of our present generation has to be always uncompromising to anything that generates out of the feeling of discrimination and inequality, irrespective of caste, class, colour, gender, race and religion, only then we can turn our country an ideal dwelling place for all.

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