An educated but unemployed person is socially disabled and deserves a special attention or benefit. The process of learning or acquiring knowledge or skills is called education. The education is commonly divided into formal or informal education. The formal education is planned and structured form of education and requires guidance of professionals in institution like schools, colleges and universities. Informal or non-formal education refers to any experience or observation that occurs in daily life at home or at workplace.
Generally speaking the educated person is one who has got formal education in schools, colleges, or universities. In today’s world, the education is supposed to make a person able to earn livelihood and to contribute and to benefit the family and the society. Social disability here refers to inability of person to participate, to contribute or to get benefit from the society.
One of the basic aim or purpose of educated people in country like India is to get government job in order to earn their livelihood. The educated people who can’t get government jobs mostly remain idle. This is because under normal situation they can’t do other work due to inner feeling of being ashamed or embarrassed due to non- acceptance and negative attitude of the society attached to these educated individuals. For example a doctor, engineer, scholars or individuals having postgraduate degrees presume themselves to be unfit for other work such as work of labour,electrician, shopkeeper,plumber,carpenter, driver, mason etc.
This so called “not do” effect arises out of social stigma or stereotypical belief or perception rendering them unable to earn their livelihood and keep them as discouraged workers. Moreover, they can’t even ask for pocket money from their parents or relatives again due to feeling of being ashamed or embarrassed. The financial instability in turn would lead to disappointment, low self-esteem, worthlessness, helplessness, depressive or suicidal thoughts, anger, social isolation and other psychological disturbance in them. To relieve this psychological disturbance they use unmatured psychological defense mechanisms such as substance abuse, violence, crime and other antisocial activities.
Therefore, they would not only become disable at individual level but would create distress and disturbance at family and social levels as well.
Keeping in view all these facts, it is worthwhile to mention here that highly educated but unemployed people are socially disable and deserves special attention of government to get monetary or other benefit under social disability group until or unless they can get employment opportunities.
Generally speaking the educated person is one who has got formal education in schools, colleges, or universities. In today’s world, the education is supposed to make a person able to earn livelihood and to contribute and to benefit the family and the society. Social disability here refers to inability of person to participate, to contribute or to get benefit from the society.
One of the basic aim or purpose of educated people in country like India is to get government job in order to earn their livelihood. The educated people who can’t get government jobs mostly remain idle. This is because under normal situation they can’t do other work due to inner feeling of being ashamed or embarrassed due to non- acceptance and negative attitude of the society attached to these educated individuals. For example a doctor, engineer, scholars or individuals having postgraduate degrees presume themselves to be unfit for other work such as work of labour,electrician, shopkeeper,plumber,carpenter, driver, mason etc.
This so called “not do” effect arises out of social stigma or stereotypical belief or perception rendering them unable to earn their livelihood and keep them as discouraged workers. Moreover, they can’t even ask for pocket money from their parents or relatives again due to feeling of being ashamed or embarrassed. The financial instability in turn would lead to disappointment, low self-esteem, worthlessness, helplessness, depressive or suicidal thoughts, anger, social isolation and other psychological disturbance in them. To relieve this psychological disturbance they use unmatured psychological defense mechanisms such as substance abuse, violence, crime and other antisocial activities.
Therefore, they would not only become disable at individual level but would create distress and disturbance at family and social levels as well.
Keeping in view all these facts, it is worthwhile to mention here that highly educated but unemployed people are socially disable and deserves special attention of government to get monetary or other benefit under social disability group until or unless they can get employment opportunities.
The author is regular writer hail from the Village Bhagota Distt and Teh Doda.Views are his personal