Srinagar: Jammu and Kashmir Government on Tuesday directed Director SKIMS Soura to conduct recruitment against faculty positions in SKIMS Soura and SKIMS Medical College Bemina through JKPSC.
“I am directed to convey that the recruitment against all the Gazetted/Faculty vacancies/posts under direct quota, borne on the establishment of SKIMS, Soura as well as SKIMS Medical College, Bemina, henceforth, shall be made through J&K Public Service Commission,” reads the official communique of Government to Director SKIMS.
“This is in continuation to this department’s reference No. GAD(Adm)51/2020-IV dated 15.01.2021 vide which the SKIMS stands already advised about filling up all Class- IV and Non Gazetted vacancies in the Institute by placing appropriate indents to J&K SSB.”
It stated that “Further necessary action in the matter may be taken accordingly. This issues with the approval of the competent authority (Hon’ble Lieutenant Governor)”