Jammu and Kashmir like many other parts of the globe celebrates the revered festival of Eid-ul-Azha on June 29.
This festival teaches the lesson of obedience. It reminds that people should bow to the Will of Allah, under all circumstances and without questioning. It teaches sharing bounties with people who are not as blessed as others.
Eid-ul-Azha begins with the special Eid prayer and is immediately followed by the sacrifice of an animal (usually a goat, sheep, cow or camel) as an act of Qurbani. The meat is later distributed in three proportions: poor people, relatives and themselves or among family, friends and the less fortunate, emphasising the spirit of sharing and charity.
There is need of embracing the values of Eid ul Azha, which emphasize compassion, generosity, and the well-being of all members of society. The people need to extend a helping hand to those in need and foster a sense of togetherness within communities. It is about practicing empathy and generosity.
The Eid festival serves as an important source of fulfilling Muslim’s urges and needs. It stands for celebrating the quintessence of harmony and brotherhood. It provides an opportunity to people to give vent to their emotions and at the same time infuses a spirit of life and invigorates sustenance of a community.
It is important for one and all to understand that faith thrives in adversity. As has been pointed out rightly, Islam itself has been founded on the idea that the best way to live is modestly, if not in austerity, as exemplified by the life of the Prophet.
There is no sin greater than an extravagant display of wealth and power, and just like any revolutionary faith, Islam is eternally concerned with the plight of the poor and the downtrodden
So, celebrating the Eid modestly will make religious sense. This occasion also warrants an improved pledge to serve and support the community better and come together as a people fighting the worst odds one could imagine. This festival is not about being happy but to make others happy and nurture their desires. It is as such important that the people need to remember those in need and should extend all possible help to those who need them the most.