“WISDOM POEMS “ is a chap book of poetry authored by KelzangDawafrom Shiling which is under SherimungGewog in Mongar District. He has been passionate for writing since his young age and has written more than 2900 poems till now which are still unpublished because of some unknown reasons .In 2007 , he was awarded as “The Best Poet “ by KuenselLiterary Section in Bhutan.
This chap book of poetry by KelzanDawa consists of forty poems and it has been designed and published at QRE PRO GRAPHICS in capital city , Thimphu, Bhutan.
Shiju-H. Pallithazheth, author and Hon. President of World Nations Writers Union , in his foreword for this book writes that the verses of KelzangDawa are qualitative, creative and innovative as he has mastered the divine art form since early years .Thus book titled as “ WISDOM POEMS “ sheds relevant spotlight to his life , Bhutan as a country, patriotism that goes along and love and death .
I would briefly throw light on some of his poems I have gone through. My analysis and comprehension don’t contradict what has been grasped by Shiju H .Pallithazethafter contemplating his poems .
He has crafted the poems beautifully and his profound versified emotions can’t go unpraised. His thoughts are elevated and Praise worthy creativity is felt in each of his verses. He has penned down each poem using proper diction and has used varied images to present the vivid picture of what he has experienced, through his poems .
One of the beautifully crafted poem in this book is ‘ My Forlorn Day’
Lying lonely under a shed tree
Thinking of the past memory of a forlorn day .
Even the title of the poems draws the picture of poet’s dejection he experienced after having been abandoned alone by someone he adored .This is a heart touching poem revealing up the poet’s painful experience he’d while lying lonely under some naked tree , thinking about the past day When he was abandoned by his beloved mercilessly.
Another beautiful poem in the book is titled as “ BROKEN PROMISE “
Why my heart was broken
And who let it to do this ?
When my heart was at peace
That you have taken .
You gave me a promise
That love is only ours
That it will last for ever
Won’t be disturbed by others .
These are the saddening versified thoughts / emotions of the poet .In this poem it’s understood that the poet was promised by someone he loved , that he would be not left alone .His / her love for the poet would last for ever but this promise seems to have been broken after a short period of time and the peace and happiness that he had being with him / her have turned into dejection causing the poet pains.
One more interesting poem in the book is titled as “PAST IS ONLY PAST”
Every time I missed you
Since the day has gone
All now gone is now done
Our love just lasted a year
Fast into the past , I am alone .
Though there is some oddity in the diction of the poem butIc perceive that perhaps the poet tell his beloved that he misses him /herevery time and what he expected from his beloved, didn’t come true .He expected that his beloved’s company would last till his last breath but it came to an end only in a year .He feels dejected when he remembers his beloved’s joyful company that ended within no time unexpectedly. Now not only losing him / herbut also loneliness pains him .
Further, the interested readers will buy the book to enjoy it thoroughly .
I wish more power to his pen.
Shafkat Aziz Hajam is a poet, reviewer and co author. He is from Handwara, District Kupwara.