Homes become places of fear, self-doubt 

Elder abuse and the struggle of elderly parents at the hands of adult children. The homes that were once filled with warmth and laughter have become places of fear and self-doubt, where elderly parents feel like burdens, unworthy of love and respect.”Special arrangement
In the realm of familial bonds, one would expect love, care, and support to be the cornerstones of relationships, especially between parents and their adult children
However, an alarming and often overlooked reality persists in Kashmir also: the mistreatment and abuse suffered by elderly parents at the hands of their own adult children, especially married sons. This hidden epidemic of elder abuse casts a shadow on the sanctity of family, as vulnerable parents face neglect, mistreatment, and cruelty within the confines of their own homes.
Within the walls of countless households, the harrowing stories of elderly parents subjected to abuse remain concealed, their silent suffering unheard and unaddressed. These once-strong pillars of the family, who selflessly nurtured and provided for their children, now find themselves at the mercy of those they raised with love and care. How did this unfortunate transformation come to be?
Elder abuse, in the context of Kashmir, adult children mistreating their elderly parents, takes various forms, each leaving its scars on the physical and emotional well-being of the victims.
1Emotional and Psychological Abuse: The Hidden Battlefields Within Loving Homes
In the realm of elder abuse, emotional and psychological mistreatment inflicted upon elderly parents by their adult children is an insidious form of cruelty. Unlike physical abuse, the wounds caused by emotional and psychological abuse are not easily discernible to the naked eye. Yet, these invisible wounds run deep, leaving lasting scars on the hearts and minds of the elderly parents.
Within the supposed sanctity of their own homes, where love and care should prevail, elderly parents often find themselves caught in a relentless cycle of emotional torment.
Verbal threats, constant humiliation, manipulation, and degradation become the weapons of choice, transforming once-loving homes into battlefields of pain and despair.
The effects of emotional and psychological abuse on elderly parents are far-reaching, profoundly affecting their emotional well-being and sense of self-worth. Verbal assaults, berating comments, and belittling remarks chip away at their confidence, eroding the very essence of their identity. The homes that were once filled with warmth and laughter become places of fear and self-doubt, where elderly parents feel like burdens, unworthy of love and respect.
A key aspect of emotional and psychological abuse is the intentional neglect of the medical and other essential needs of elderly parents. Adult children, who should be their primary caregivers, may turn a blind eye to their parents’ health concerns, disregarding doctor’s appointments, necessary medications, and proper healthcare management. This neglect not only compromises the physical well-being of elderly parents but also exacerbates their emotional distress, further deepening their feelings of helplessness and worthlessness.
Communication, which forms the bedrock of any healthy relationship, is often severed or distorted in emotionally abusive situations. Adult children may deliberately choose to ignore or isolate their elderly parents, refusing to engage in meaningful conversations or actively shutting them out of family discussions. This deliberate silence is a form of psychological manipulation, leaving elderly parents feeling voiceless, unimportant, and stripped of their rightful place within the family dynamic.The consequences of emotional and psychological abuse on elderly parents are devastating. Their mental health deteriorates as they grapple with anxiety, depression, and a sense of constant fear. The erosion of self-esteem leads to a loss of confidence and autonomy, making them increasingly dependent on their adult children who perpetrate the abuse. The once-vibrant spirits of these ageing parents dim, replaced by a constant state of emotional anguish and despair.
2 Financial Exploitation: The trust placed in adult children to manage their elderly parents’ finances often becomes a gateway for exploitation. Financial abuse, where adult children misappropriate funds, steal assets, or manipulate their parents’ financial resources, leaves the elderly parents in a state of vulnerability and financial ruin.
3 Neglect and Abandonment: In their twilight years, elderly parents deserve utmost care and attention. However, neglect and abandonment by their adult children strip them of their basic needs, such as adequate food, shelter, healthcare, and companionship. Isolation becomes their constant companion, as they are left alone in their hour of need.
4 Physical Abuse: For some elderly parents, the very hands that were once held with tenderness and affection become instruments of pain. The physical abuse inflicted by adult children includes hitting, pushing, or forcefully restraining their parents, leaving them bruised, battered, and emotionally shattered.
Breaking the Cycle of Abuse:
It is imperative for society to acknowledge and address this distressing issue. We must challenge the notion that respect and care for elderly parents are optional, emphasising the moral responsibility that adult children bear towards their ageing parents.
1 First and foremost, inculcating moral values and fostering knowledge of the religion they follow is paramount in addressing the issue of elder abuse. It is essential to recognize that all major religions strongly advocate kindness, respect, and care for elderly parents.
Religious teachings emphasise the importance of honouring one’s parents, regardless of their age or circumstances. By instilling these moral values from a young age, we can cultivate a deep sense of reverence and compassion towards elderly parents within the hearts of individuals.
Religious education should emphasise the teachings and principles that promote love, empathy, and support for elderly parents. It is through understanding the religious scriptures, traditions, and values that individuals can internalise the significance of caring for their ageing parents and upholding their dignity.
Moreover, religious communities play a vital role in fostering a culture of respect for the elderly. Faith-based organisations can organise programs, workshops, and discussions centred around promoting intergenerational harmony, emphasising the responsibility of adult children towards their elderly parents. These initiatives provide opportunities for dialogue, understanding, and the exchange of experiences, further strengthening the bonds between generations.
Religion can serve as a guiding light, offering solace and direction to both adult children and elderly parents facing challenging circumstances. By drawing upon the moral teachings of their faith, individuals can find inspiration and guidance in treating their elderly parents with kindness, compassion, and support.
It is important to note that promoting moral values and religious teachings should go hand in hand with practical measures to combat elder abuse. Education, awareness campaigns, support systems, and legal protection are crucial components in addressing the complex issue of mistreatment towards elderly parents.
2 Education and Awareness: Raising awareness about elder abuse and its devastating impact on families is vital. Communities, schools, and organisations should prioritise educating individuals about the importance of respect, empathy, and compassionate care for elderly parents.
3 Support Systems: Establishing support systems, such as helplines, counselling services, and shelters, can provide safe havens for elderly parents in abusive situations. These resources empower victims to seek help and escape the cycle of abuse.
4 Legal Protection: Stricter laws and regulations must be implemented to protect the rights of elderly parents and hold accountable those who perpetrate elder abuse. Legal frameworks should provide swift justice and support for victims, ensuring their safety and well-being.
5 Intergenerational Bonding: Promoting intergenerational activities and fostering a culture of respect and appreciation for the elderly can help strengthen family ties. Encouraging open communication, empathy, and understanding between adult children and their ageing parents is crucial in preventing abuse.

The author is a Environmental Science Lecturer hail from Village Bhagota Distt and Teh Doda.Views are his personal 

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