In a tragic incident of its kind, two people were charred alive and five others were injured in a fire incident in Hotel Maa Shanti at Sanasar, Ramban on May 4 last. The authorities have ordered an inquiry to investigate “all aspects that lead to the fire incident in the hotel”. The probe findings along with recommendations have been asked to be submitted by May “positively.”
Fire incidents are happening routinely in this part of the globe. Hardly any day passes without there being unfortunate news about blazes, snatching shelter and reducing properties to ashes.
Two years ago, the concerned department was asked by the administration to carry out a fire safety audit of all government buildings.
It had also asked all the concerned Administrative Secretaries to take immediate corrective action in light of the Fire Safety Audit Reports so furnished to them for preventing occurrence of fire incidents in all buildings of their Departments. There is also need to carry out audits of hotels in order to ensure that incidents like Ramban are not repeated.
It is imperative that all concerned officers put out a checklist to prevent fires and also save people in case such untoward incidents happen. They should ensure that all the fire safety guidelines for all buildings issued by the government of India, prioritising a strict compliance strategy, third party accreditation on safety, and adoption of a fire response plan are in place.
The safety of people should be of paramount consideration for all the concerned. There is a need to ensure that fire fighting measures are in place at all institutions including hotels to provide a safe environment. Every institution needs to have trained dedicated staff to maintain the fire safety standards. All measures should be taken to prevent the fire incidents.
People also tend to ignore safety measures and as such fail to incorporate fire safety measures during construction and installing fire extinguishers, at home, private buildings and offices.
The National Building Code also makes it mandatory to involve appropriate professionals in all stages of construction work. These codes form the fundamental technical principles to be followed during the design and construction of buildings for safe and sustainable developments. The government must ensure that all measures regarding the safety of individuals are ensured.
There is also a need to be extra vigilant and take fire-mitigating measures which will help minimize loss, both on life and the property front.