Domestic violence

Domestic violence which means any abuse including physical, emotional, sexual, or financial between intimate partners, often living in the same household is rampant in the society. The term is often used specifically to designate physical assaults on women by their male partners. Domestic violence is widespread, deeply ingrained and has serious impacts on women’s health and well-being. This aspect is not restricted to this part of the globe but world over.

Even though it had become a punishable offence in India through the enactment of the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005, which aimed to ensure their safety within the household by extending a range of protections, there are cases cropping up time and again. Among others, one reason behind the high pendency rate is the shortage of manpower. Section 8 of the law mandates the appointment of protection officers who would act as intermediaries between the victim and the law enforcement agency and the judiciary.

Given the stigmatised nature of the issue, women can be hesitant to report their experiences, experts explained.

There’s an urgent need to strengthen the public health response to intimate partner violence, and ensure it is addressed. It is here the government must step in and take measures to arrest the trend.

The Supreme Court of India recently observed that domestic violence in India is rampant and several women encounter violence in some form or the other or almost every day.

A woman resigns her fate to the never ending cycle of enduring violence and discrimination as a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother, a partner or a single woman in her lifetime, the top court noted.

This is happening despite the fact the progress of any society depends on its ability to protect and promote the rights of its women.

According to the Apex Court, the “non-retaliation” by women coupled with the absence of laws addressing women’s issues, ignorance of the existing laws enacted for women and societal attitude makes the women vulnerable.

The entire society should rise above the occasion and let the home be a place that does not imperil lives and breeds the most drastic forms of violence perpetrated against her.

Regressive social conditioning, the lack of safe houses, and deficiency of financial independence are important factors that hinder the availing of institutional help. Proactive measures at multiple levels are needed to meet the challenges.


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