Mehvish Ayoub of Bla qualifies prestigious GATE-2023

Baramulla: In a remarkable achievement, Mehvish Ayoub of Nahidal Baramulla has brought laurels to the entire district by qualifying the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) exam, 2023.

Coming from an educated background, Mehwish had set her goals and never lost focus on her goal of qualifying this prestigious examination.

Mehwish attributed her success to her parents saying that they always motivated her that she can achieve success in any competitive exam. She said hard work and staying focused on her goal have been key elements in achieving this feat.

Dr. M Ayoub Wani, Mehwish’s father credited her perseverance and hard work besides remaining focused on her goal for qualifying GATE examination.

GATE is considered one of the toughest competitive examinations in India and qualifying this exam opens up a number of opportunities in the field of engineering.


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