Ganderbal: Former Indian Diplomat, Ambassador, A. R. Ghanshyam Thursday said that since independence, India has always played a positive and crucial role in the overall development of the African continent, particularly in the important sectors of education and health.
“Keeping in view the challenges and issues still confronted by the African nations vis-à-vis important sectors of health, education and agriculture, India can still play a pivotal and significant role and help Africa in overcoming these challenges,” A R Ghanshyam, said while delivering a lecture “Africa: Continent of the Future,” under India @75: Videsh Niti Distinguished Lecture Series, to the faculty and students of the Central University of Kashmir (CUK) at Tulmulla Campus here.
The lecture, organised by the Department of Politics and Governance, was attended by the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Farooq Ahmad Shah, Registrar, Prof. M Afzal Zargar, Controller of Examinations and Dean School of Legal Studies, Prof. Farooq Ahmad Mir, Finance Officer and Dean DSW, Dr. Mehraj ud Din Shah, Deans of other Schools, Coordinators of Department of Politics and Governance, Dr. Himabindu M. and Department of Law, Bilal Ahmad Ganaie, faculty members, research scholars and students from the department of Politics and Governance and Law.
Ambassador, A R Ghanshyam, said the African nations have abundant natural resources including minerals, precious metals and Uranium, which needs to be tapped. “Africa could become one of the leading economies in near future, if the resources are utilised to its full potential,” he said, adding the African union is already working hard on agenda 2063 and have formulated a roadmap to achieve the required goals and target.
He said that Africa has the majority of the young population and could become the “Youngest Continent” of the world in near future.
He further traced the history of the African continent and said the scientists have discovered the remains of the first homo sapien from the African continent, which means that the evolution of mankind has its genesis from it.
Addressing the gathering, Vice Chancellor, Prof. Farooq Ahmad Shah, described the lecture about the African continent as an eye-opener for the participants. He said Africa has been synonymous with hunger, diseases and coups, but A R Ghanshyam, has portrayed a different picture of the continent by referring to its abundant underutilised natural wealth and younger population, which could play a huge role in its progress on the economic front in future.
Registrar, Prof. M Afzal Zargar said that India, under the leadership of Prime Minister, Narendar Modi has developed strong linkages and bonds with the African nations through its robust external affairs policies.
He said India could play a major role in the overall progress of Africa by helping in the establishment of educational institutions of higher learning, state-of-the art hospitals and providing technical expertise in the agriculture sector.
Asst Profs. Dr. Abhiruchi Ojha conducted the programme proceeding and introduced the speaker while as Dr. Himabindu M. proposed the vote of thanks.