About The Disease
Dengue it is caused by dengue I, II, III and IV viruses that are transmitted by AedesAegyptimosquitoes. This year dengue I and II are predominant North India.
Dengue I is considered to be deadly.
- High Fever, Headache, Nousea, Low plate let count, internal bleeding in rare cases.
- NS1 Antigen Test is conducted for dengue in the First 05 to 07 Days of Fever. After that the Doctor may ask to undergo igM test.
- Treatment is mostly symptomatic in Dengue plate let count often reduces significantly but blood transfusion is advised only when the count is less than 20,000 or when there in internal bleeding or bruise.
Who Needs Hospital Admission?
- Fever upto 103-104 Degrees is common in viral illness. Patient may not required admission if vitals such as blood pressure or stable and the patient is not vomiting Warning Signs
- Extreme Weakness, dizziness, continuous vomiting with dehydration, very poor oral intake and bleeding from any sight.
- Don’t Self Medicate.
- If high fever continues over 24 hours you should see a Doctor don’t take anti fever medication or Antibiotics on your own.
- Battling the Bite In House Holds:
- Spray Rooms, Bathrooms, closets with safe Aerosols.
- Wear Full Sleeves and Full Pants.
- Use Mosquito Nets or Repellents while sleeping.
- Cover All Water Containers
- Empty and dry tanks, containers, coolers, water bowls and pots weekly.
- Regularly check clogged gutters and drainage.
- Introduce larvivorous fish in ornamental water tanks/ garden they eat mosquito larvae.
At Community or Institutional Level
- Clean and Cover Water Storage Containers.
- Keep Surroundings clean and improve basic sanitation measures
- Remove Weed and Tall grass to reduce outdoor resting places for mosquitoes.
The writer is Microbiologist, Certificate Infection Control Auditor Kidney Hospital