The recently concluded Back to Village-IV programme helped in bridging the gap between the people and the administration.
According to an official spokesman the 35 participating departments were successful in saturation of 54 deliverables set as their respective targets for the programme. The rest of the set 101 deliverables were also partially achieved.
Among numerous success stories of the B2V4 programme, readmission of 13977 school dropouts into schools, with quality education assured, stood out as the biggest achievement of the programme.
Getting back nearly 14000 dropouts to the schools is really a big achievement as it has provided yet another chance to the youngsters to reshape their lives and build their careers. For any place to progress education is the most important tool. The administration deserves kudos for focusing on the school dropouts and bringing them back.
In rural areas many students are forced to opt out from the schools due to their poor financial conditions. In recent years the government has been taking complete responsibility for such students, who are unable to carry forward their studies due to financial constraints.
Many schemes have been introduced to popularize the education in the rural areas and these have helped the rural children to achieve big targets in their lives.
Besides focusing on the school dropouts the B2V-IV provided youngsters with a platform to showcase their talent and 23 musical talent shows were hosted on YouTube during the programme. Fifteen role-models were identified to inspire youth through a contemporary digital format.
The programme created self employment opportunities for 21329 individuals. As many as 277 cooperative societies were also registered in various fields like poultry, housing, transport, health etc. In the agriculture sector, 14567 Soil Health Cards, 5914 Kissan Credit Cards were issued during Jan Abhiyan.
Through B2V-IV the administration reached out to rural people at their door steps and made them aware about the government schemes devised for their betterment and welfare.
The Back to Village-IV provided people with an opportunity to get their grievances and issues redressed on the spot. The public outreach programme has set a new benchmark for governance and people across the J&K have appreciated the government’s move as the programme culminated with a promise to make the lives of people better.