Life and Relationships

Fiza Tanvi

Everyday I read life
Then I write it with my pen on the blank paper. Everyday I get to read something new. I get to learn something new.

Then I write my dairy to what I have seen and read.
What I read today and learned from it and how much I remember from that study.

Life is like this, without taking steps we cannot walk, without moving we cannot move forward and without moving we cannot achieve anything.

After coming into the world, many relationships are formed, those who care about us.

Some are made and some have to be made.

Parents, brothers and sisters, all these relationships are God gifted, but you have to make friends.

Coming into the world, we also read and write, we read our loved ones.
Then write how much belongingness there is in those loved ones.
The relationships that God gives us, like parents, brothers and sisters, are our whole world. But while living in society, we need relationships.
But this relationship should be very thoughtful because it can hold you or break you.It can make you or grow you.
Why is there so much to think about and become friends?
This relationship does not make us any.  Neither parents nor God.
You don’t have to touch yourself.
Did you take the hand of friendship for whom it grew?
A good friend is like a good book. Reading it changes your thinking. Good or bad depends on your friend.
By the way, every person should have a true or good friend in their life
Sometimes what we can’t do with God’s gift from a relationship. We do it with a self-made friend. Every difficult time, my friend supports his friend as if he sees a scattered leaf in the wind… .

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