Mobile Phone Addiction

A study titled “Increase in screen time for children in covid times and its effects” carried out by the department of Social and Preventive Medicine puts a focus on the use of cell phones by children. According to it, around 63 percent of parents interviewed during the study feel that their children are addicted to an electronic device, mostly a mobile phone.

It is true that technology has impacted daily routines of life in a positive manner in several ways. However as they say, excess of everything is bad and the same holds true for technology as well.

After the COVID-19 pandemic announced its arrival, the younger generation continues to be glued to various online games and unfortunately bad habits have set in. The World Health Organization has officially included ‘gaming disorder’ in its International Classification of Diseases as a behavioural disorder. Its signs are generally the same as are associated with substance addiction like changes in behaviour, adverse effect on social life and relationships, excessive preoccupation with video games, and acute withdrawal.

Greater depths of focus are needed in some games which elucidate the kind of threat they present to society. Real-world penalties in these games include a reduction in social life and the wrath of the player’s families. These games take a lot of concentration as some involve teamwork.

Parents are worried on many counts about these games, some related to violence which causes behavioral changes as a consequence. They are also worried, truly so, that there is excessive screen time with learning impairment and behavioral issues in children.

While fears of violent games having social consequences are not misplaced, the government should initiate a social advocacy programme against their use. It would be wrong if people are punished for playing a video game as it would lend support to those contending that it affects privacy and freedoms.

Authorities also need to form an online ethics review committee to monitor the entertainment software content from time to time in this context.

There is a need to cut down screen time and it can be done telling children how sedentary activities affect their overall health. Talk to them about things they can do to be healthier.

The government of India has already issued an advisory for parents and teachers that talked about the risks of gaming without self-limits. The parents need to find ways to hold back children from using mobile phones and there is no panacea than outdoor sports.

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