Srinagar: The Jammu and Kashmir Police on Thursday claimed to have arrested four drug peddlers from Handwara and Awantipora and recovered contraband substances from their possession. A police party established a checkpoint at Rasripora in Handwara and intercepted three persons, who were moving in a suspicious condition. On search, around 306 gm Charas-like substance was recovered from their possession. They were identified as Asif Rasool Khan and Arif Ahmad Najar, residents of Beigpora Kralgund and Muzafar Ahmad Bhat of Kralgund. Similarly in Awantipora, Police intercepted a person at Liddermud crossing of Awantipora in Pulwama, who was moving in a suspicious condition. He was identified as Farooq Ahmad Lone, resident of Kulpora in Pulwama. During checking, one kg Charas-like substance was recovered from his possession. They have been arrested and shifted to respective police stations. Cases under relevant sections of law have been registered in respective police stations and further investigations have been initiated, said Police.