Every year International Nurses Day is celebrated on May 12, marking Florence Nightingale’s birthday. The practice of nursing has been in existence since ancient times. However it was the legendary Florence Nightingale who promoted the formal nursing profession as is being known today. The great “Lady with the Lamp” ushered in the era of educated and compassionate professional nurses. Her efforts were instrumental in starting nursing training in India at St Stevens Hospital in Delhi in 1867.
This day is also celebrated to commemorate the contribution done by nurses to society around the globe. On this day the International Council of Nurses organisation produces an International Nurses kit to educate and assist health workers globally with a different theme every year.
While May 12 is formally celebrated as the Nurses’ Day, in reality, every day has been the Nurses’ Day. If any patient put on a life supporting system survived in any intensive care unit anywhere in the world, it is only because of the nursing they received.
Globally, the profession of nursing is highly respected and a critical force multiplier due to the paucity of doctors. The scope and range of services offered by nurses has only expanded with the emergence of private healthcare operators.
Role of nurses have been tremendous along with other warriors including doctors, and other healthcare workers who remained at the forefront of the fight against the covid-19 pandemic.
After the first case of novel coronavirus infection in Jammu and Kashmir was reported in March in 2020, these healthcare workers discharged their duties untiringly. And at times, unfortunately, they even had to bear abuses and violence in the line of duty. Without much complaint, they endured the fear of stigma and isolation and carried on with their work. Unfortunately, a number of doctors and other healthcare workers lost their life in the line of duty. Their role remains crucial and it has remained so throughout the covid-19 response and in contemporary times. They continue to serve at the front lines and that too untiringly. Everyone must express gratitude towards all the nurses and other frontline health workers for making untiring efforts in the fight against the pandemic and rendering continuous services day and night. They are an inspiration for all and continue to serve the people. Their dedication, courage, and patience remains to be praise worthy.