Srinagar: The HPVT (Society) has already opened its units in various Hospitals of Srinagar under the project “INTERSECTORAL COLLABORATION WITH HOSPITALS”. These units have been working round the clock in these Hospitals in pursuance of a sacred Cause / Mission to serve mankind.
In order to provide the same relief and convenience to the patients who are used to seeking consultations / treatment in JVC MEDICAL COLLEGE / SKIMS BEMINA. The HPVT Management in collaboration with the SKIMS Bemina authorities have dedicated 30 Patient Carrier Trolley’s, 20 Wheel Chairs, Nebulizers and Urine Containers in the newly opened units at SKIMS Hospital Bemina. Additionally the HPVT have also deployed four (4) staff Members (MPHW) to run the unit on a get going basis there.
To grace the event Prof. Irfan Rabbani, Principal SKIMS Medical College, Bemina & Dr. Shafa Abida Deva, Medical Superintendent SKIMS-Hospital, Bemina along-with Executive Body Members of HPVT, well wishers, volunteers and other people were present there.
Speaking on the occasion Dr. Irfan Rabbani and Dr. Shafa Abida Deva complimented HPVT for providing Trolleys / Wheelchairs and other health related services to the people at this Emergency Unit of SKIMS-Hospital, Bemina which will really provide succor and help to the ailing people visiting the said Hospital. They have been empowered to sustain such noble initiatives by reaching out to the needy and deserving people on the first call.
On the occasion Mr. Nisar Ahmad Kathjoo – President HPVT focused on creating partnerships with voluntary organizations to put in place efficient, effective and result oriented strategies to meet huge challenges of quality healthcare of poor & needy people. He also called upon people in general and resourceful people in particular to come forward for making contributions towards this noble cause solely to overcome the unavoidable eventualities being confronted by the poor, needy & underprivileged patients.