New Delhi: Vice President and Rajya Sabha Chairman M Venkaiah Naidu on Sunday said the Upper House has played a pivotal role in strengthening the democracy. “Ever since its inception, the Rajya Sabha has played a crucial role in strengthening the parliamentary democracy,” Naidu, said in tweet, while extending his greetings to the countrymen on the occasion of ‘Rajya Sabha Day’. Taking the opportunity, the Vice President appealed to the members of Upper House to engage in informed and constructive debates, keeping the welfare of people in mind. Last year, Naidu in his address at a programme here, had said the “leaders should be guided by discipline, time sense and ethics”. Meanwhile, BJP national president Jagat Prakash Nadda also took extended his warm wishes to the present and former members of the Rajya Sabha on the occasion. “The Upper House of Parliament has played an important role in strengthening Indian democracy. I am sure that this House will continue to play such an important role in the times to come,” Nadda tweeted.