New Delhi: Union Sports Minister Anurag Singh Thakur on Sunday launched a new rare chemical called Reference Materials (RM), to strengthen the anti-doping testing in the country. The Union Minister launch RM during the 15th Governing Body meeting of the National Dope Testing Laboratory. NDTL has indigenously developed six new and rare RMs, which is the purest form of chemical required for anti-doping analysis in all WADA-accredited Laboratories across the world. With the creation of RMs, NDTL has earned itself the recognition of being one of the few labs in the world, where such RMs have been developed. Speaking about the achievement, Thakur said, “I applaud the scientists of the three institutions, who have worked tirelessly to create these Reference Materials. RMs are not readily available across the world, but are needed by every WADA-accredited laboratory for their anti-doping analysis. “India itself has been importing RMs from Canada and Australia, however, with this scientific development, India has indeed taken a step towards Atmanirbhar Bharat in the field of anti-doping science. Very soon, we will also be exporting these RMs to other countries,” he added. The launch of RMs will ensure improved anti-doping testing, which is in line with the Sports Ministry’s commitment towards promotion and effective implementation of anti-doping programmes in the country with the sole objective of fair play in sports. Sports Secretary Sujata Chaturvedi and other senior officials of the Sports Ministry were present on the occasion.