New Delhi: The Ministry of Home Affairs on Wednesday approved Rs 1,887 crore for disaster relief in five states.
A committee under the chairmanship of Union Home Minister Amit Shah approved the additional Central assistance under the National Disaster Response Fund (NDRF) to five States, which were affected by floods/landslides/hailstorms in 2021.
Accordingly, the committee approved additional Central assistance to Bihar (Rs 1,038.96 crore), Himachal Pradesh (Rs 21.37 crore), Rajasthan (Rs 292.51 crore), Sikkim (Rs 59.35 crore), and West Bengal (Rs 475.04 crore).
This additional assistance is over and above the funds released by the Centre to the states under the State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF). In the 2021-22 fiscal, the Central government released Rs 17,747.20 crore to 28 states for SDRF, and Rs 6,197.98 crore to nine States from the NDRF.