SRINAGAR: In the backdrop of launch of month-long Clean India Programme from Prayagraj, Lucknow today by Union Minister for Youth Affairs & Sports(YSS), Anurag Singh Thakur, Principal Secretary, YSS, Alok Kumar digitally launched the mission for all the districts of J&K.
Divisional Commissioner Kashmir P K Pole; District Development Commissioner Srinagar Aijaz Asad; Director YSS Gazanfar Ali; Special Secretary YSS Mohammad Ashraf Bhat, other senior officers of the department were also present on the occasion.
Contingents of 19 districts participated in the programme virtually while as the contingent from district Srinagar was physically present during the event.
Speaking on the occasion, Principal Secretary asked the participants to follow the month long programme with commitment and sense of belonging. He also directed the field officers of the department to ensure that members of civil society, NYKs and youth in general are engaged at every level in keeping our colonies, mohllas, public parks, schools and public places neat and clean.
The Principal Secretary also highlighted the importance of cleanliness and the unique initiatives of current dispensation in this regard.
While stressing upon all the stake holders that the programme should be organized in every nook and corner of the UT, Alok Kumar directed the field staff of YSS that no habitat should be left unattended while disseminating awareness regarding clean waste mainly single use plastic waste.
‘’Special drives should be carried out to clean historical monuments and heritage sites, community centres, youth club/mahila mandal buildings, school buildings and panchayat buildings etc’’. Principal Secretary said.
On the occasion, the Principal Secretary also interacted with different district based contingents of the Department of Youth Services & Sports.
Pertinently, this programme starting from 1st of October will continue till the month-end. The aim of the cleanliness drive is to create awareness, mobilize people and ensure their involvement in cleaning waste mainly Single Use Plastic waste throughout the country.
Moreover, under Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav programme, the Department of Youth Services and Sports also launched ‘Clean India Mission’ for Jammu and Kashmir from the premises of Directorate of Youth Services & Sports at Wazirbagh here.
During the event, the field officials of YSS, students and people from the civil society were given a pledge that they would ensure their active participation in keeping their surroundings clean and pollution free.