Petrol Pump fined for short delivery

SRINAGAR: A team of Legal Metrology Department (LMD) Srinagar has imposed a fine of Rs. 50,000 on a Petrol Pump owner for short delivery of fuel from 03 Nozzles of the Fuel Station.

The fines were imposed during an inspection conducted by the team of LMD headed by Deputy Controller, Kashmir Province, Muzafar Wani after a complaint was filed by an aggrieved customer against a Petrol Pump alleging short delivery of fuel.

During the inspection of the unit, it was noticed that 03 Nozzles of the Fuel Station were delivering fuel shorter by about 30 ml against every 5 Litres and these Nozzles were accordingly seized on spot.

The Pump owner while accepting the violations pleaded before the department to compound the case departmentally and only after a written assurance in which it was mentioned that such type of violation will not be repeated in the future, the case was compounded against a payment of Rs. 50,000/= for violation of Section 30 of the Legal Metrology Act 2009.

It was given out that these Nozzles will be released only after their proper calibration in presence of the Legal Metrology Officials.

Meanwhile, as per an official statement the general public is being made aware that in case of doubt, any consumer can check the quantity of the fuel themselves by the 5 Litre Conical Capacity measure, certified by the Legal Metrology Department which every pump has to keep under Law.

In case a Pump owner or manager refuses to provide the Capacity measure for the Check, a complaint can be lodged with the Legal Metrology Department on 01942490390.

It is informed that there are other facilities as well which every consumer can avail like the Free Air facility, Toilet Facility, Filter Paper for quality test, Complaint register etc, which is the Right of every consumer.

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