The cold conditions and snowfall is not unknown to Kashmir Valley. The old winters have been even harsher than the contemporary season. The response by the government to the snowfall earlier this year has been all but tardy and cold. Against the perception, this season’s major snowfall has been lesser compared to the last season or some previous years. However, almost a fortnight after the snowfall stopped, the snow mounds continue to give tough times to people, especially commuters. At a few places, snow was not at all lifted.
While snow is not new, the hardships it brings have been long taken into stride by the people. The harsh winter is rather part of the distinct identity of Kashmir with all the hardships and joys. The people know well that better the snowfall, the better are the prospects of a good harvest as well as the availability of water during summers. The tourism players are hoping that the snow which is a novelty for the majority of Indians will bring cheer to them after what transpired in the last two years—first on the account of August 5, 2019 decisions by the government of India which is remembered with security and communication clampdown eased to a lot since, though not completely removed as the internet speed is still restricted to 2G while the world and even other parts of India prepare for 5G. The covid-19 dashed any hopes of a revival for them.
It is true that people take the season’s difficulties in their stride but the successive governments are far from adopting the challenges and ensure that the basic services are restored at the earliest when it snows.
The Valley perhaps is the only place where many things freeze, and for a long durations. There is a need for real effort to make it all smooth, at least passable. The concerned departments should factor winter in laying out the schemes or making arrangements on the ground. The weatherman has forecast another spell of snowfall in the Kashmir Valley and efforts should be made beforehand to ward off inconvenience to the highest extent possible. Another spell of snowfall shall not compound the problems for people and the administration must work hard to put plans and ensure it effectively implemented on the ground. All the matters having vital public significance should be given due consideration and available resources shall be mobilized effectively for greater public convenience.