Precious Kashmir News
Srinagar, Aug 13: Deputy Commissioner (DC) Srinagar Dr Shahid Iqbal Chowdhary Thursday said that there is no need to implement or extend lockdown restrictions in the district if people follow SOPs properly.
Dr Chowdhary said that district administration Srinagar conducted several meetings with religious heads and traders wherein lifting of lockdown restrictions were thoroughly discussed. Besides other vital issues, resumption of trade and market was also discussed with stakeholders.
The DC said that if administration will open 50 percent markets from August 16, SOPs have to be adhered in letter and spirit. “If we abide SOPs properly, I don’t think any need for enforcing or extending lockdown may arise”, he said.
While talking to reports here, the DC said that in wake of surge in COVID-19 caseloads in the district authorities were compelled to impose lockdown restrictions for the wellbeing of the community. “Experts are saying that more COVID-19 cases may arise in Srinagar and there are less chances of seeing a decline in figures in coming days. So in a situation like this, it is our responsibility to follow SOPs, use masks, maintain required social distance and take all other precautionary measures to keep the virus away”, he said.
Chowdhary said that district administration in pandemic days interacted with over 3000 religious leaders who were apprised of the lethal consequences of the pandemic. “We are hopeful religious leaders will play a pivotal role in persuading masses to follow SOPs when religious places will be thrown open for people”, DC said.
He maintained that further required information and awareness about lockdown will be made public in a separate notification.
When asked about the recovery rate, he said people are getting infected and recuperated simultaneously and the process is going on. “Recovered Covid-19 cases in Srinagar district are still more than the active cases at present which is itself a good sign”.