Once covid-19 was declared a pandemic and a lockdown imposed, the non-COVID-19 patients g=found care out of reach for them. It is as if the pandemic veiled the J&K from any other disease. In the beginning, neither the government nor the people, in general, were worried about this. The sense of being overtaken by this pandemic was so devastating that it left no room for consideration about grave consequences. As things unfolded, there is now a realization that dedicating most of the hospitals to covid-19 patients wasn’t such a great idea. Given the limited resource, establishing hospitals at the speed it was done in China could not have been once given a thought by the administration. Whatever is to be done is to be done within the existing infrastructure. However, there is a need to manage efficiently and make a room for routine patients as well.
True there is a spike in covid-19 cases as tally already is well past 19000 mark and death toll inches fast closer to 350 but the concerns for non-covid patients continue to be growing while pandemic is spreading. There are many reports that patients are suffering hugely for there is either no space for them in the hospitals, or they desist going there, fearing they might contract the dreaded disease. Both these situations are not good, whatever way one looks at them as the patients are suffering, their ailments are worsening, and as such endangers many lives. Amid this situation, the government cannot look at the other when it comes to making arrangements for regular patients. While finding the solution to such a situation is not an easy one to find but it is not as such where answers cannot be found. The doctors, and other concerned need to be taken on board to find out the solution to this problem. There are serious ailments, like cancer and chronic kidney ailments, which brook no delay. At a time when private clinics are mostly closed if hospitals deny treatment to regular patients, where would these people go? There is a need to designate some hospitals for covid-19 patients and make the rest available for regular patient care. Alternatively, some emergency arrangements should be made for regular patient care. The present situation is not tenable, and the government should seriously get thinking about it. While Covid-19 management cannot be ignored and needs serious focus, J&K cannot afford to ignore other killers as well.