Monitoring Development Works

Improper planning, inadequate monitoring and lack of funds abound Jammu and Kashmir for long. The times are changing and so should the means to address issues that historically hamper or delay various projects of public importance. Instances galore where even works like small bridges have taken decades for completion. Examples are also plenty where many works are pending for decades.
The consequences of the delay are always detrimental to growth. Most projects and works related to delay lead to cost escalation which could be prevented should there be proper monitoring structure in existence.
In this background, a recent announcement by Lieutenant Governor, calling for close monitoring of all developmental works and their speedy execution is worthy. It is important to note that unless proper monitoring was ensured, desired results would continue to elude the policy planners. The monitoring is important as it would alone ensure desired progress as regards the implementation of a particular project and works related thereto. The monitoring also ensures timely addressing of issues concerning any change, difficulties, or the willful slow pace of works resorted to by various agencies or officials. The required funds and their timely release have also been hampering the projects. The regular monitoring would address it and in the process development works will get a flip. It would also be a motivational factor to all including the frontline workers.
However, the desired monitoring would not be achieved unless the higher authorities pay field visits at regular intervals for effective implementation. Given the call by the Lieutenant Governor, the senior officials are required to respect it and give up the lethargy of officialdom associated with in the past as delays cost much more than the estimated costs.
A minimum one field visit every week as advised by the lieutenant Governor would definitely result in getting first-hand appraisal of the status and the fate of particular development work. There should also be regular interaction with the people to know the actual execution of a particular work. The government needs to augment public delivery mechanisms and measures as are demanded and allowed by the technology-driven should be taken. The administration is also expected to tone up decisions making process for ensuring the development works are completed on time especially when weather vagaries last for longer periods during the year.

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